
LSD blotter papers


 LSD blotter papers      ysergic acid diethylamide — more commonly referred to as LSD or acid is one of the most popular psychedelic drugs in existence. It’s the third most used  substance behind cannabis and cocaine.

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LSD blotter papers

 LSD blotter papers      ysergic acid diethylamide  more commonly referred to as LSD or acid is one of the most popular psychedelic drugs in existence. It’s the third most used  substance behind cannabis and cocaine.

Anyone who has had the chance to take LSD blotter papers or has started to do research on dosing has probably heard of blotters (also called blotter paper).

What Do LSD Blotter Paper Taste Like?

LSD blotter papers is not supposed to taste like anything. Pure LSD doesn’t have any taste or smell. If you notice any bitter or unpleasant flavor, or you notice that the area of your mouth where you’re keeping the blotter paper feels tingly or numb, there is a high chance  your blotter doesn’t contain pure LSD.

If you notice a clear taste from your blotter, take the tab out immediately. It could contain a compound called 25I-NBOMe, which has similar effects as acid but is much more dangerous.

Proper dosage.

Bottom Line: One dose of LSD is equal to one full tab of acid. The potency of each tab can vary from one batch to the next.

LSD is extremely potent. It’s one of the few psychedelics active at a sub-milligram dose. This is why LSD is measured in micrograms rather than milligrams or grams. The threshold dose (the minimum amount needed for psychoactive effects) is only about 50 micrograms.

A standard LSD dose is around 80–100 micrograms. This dose will supply a somewhat potent psychedelic experience without too much risk of being overwhelming.

 Tips for using LSD blotter papers safely: 

  1. Always test a sample before you take it. Use the Ehrlich and Hoffmann reagents
  2. Only take one tab if this is your first experience with LSD blotter papers. Even if the effects take a long time to kick in, be patient and don’t double-dose.
  3. Only use LSD blotter papers if you’re with people you trust (and willing to remain sober throughout the journey).
  4. Only take LSD if you’re in the right mindset (if you’re feeling depressed, worried, or anxious, it’s not wise to use LSD).
  5. Only take acid if you’re in a safe and familiar location.
  6. Clear your schedule for the day before you begin; it’s not a good idea to have important plans later, even if the effects are supposed to be worn off in time.
  7. Never take acid if you or a close family member have been diagnosed with psychosis or schizophrenia.

Additional information


50 hits, 75 hits, 1 blotter sheet, 2 blotter sheets


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